Weekly Wrap-Up (#17)

Weekly Wrap-Up is a post I share with you guys every Friday, in which I highlight all things bookish that I did in the past week — the books I read, the books I bought, books that I got from the library, and great posts that I found on other people’s blogs.


What’s Happening With Me This Week:

This Tuesday was my first day back at work for the first time since my second surgery! It’s been a little rough, trying to get used to driving around and being at work all day, but I’m glad to be up and out of the house by myself for the first time in more than four weeks.

And Sunday was the last day of the week-long readathon Bout of Books 9.0, and even though I didn’t manage to reach my goal of 2,000 pages, I still managed to read a little over 1500! I’d say that’s a success 🙂


Books I Finished This Week:

Besides these books, I’ve also been reading 20-30 pages every night of American Gods by Neil Gaimon! I feel like that should count in my tallies, too 😉

Books I Finished This Week

  1. Opal (Lux #3) by Jennifer L. Armentrout
  2. Phoenix Island by John Dixon
  3. The Chaperone by Laura Moriarty


Books I Bought/Received This Week:

Besides these, I also got a couple books from my local used bookstore that I’ll share with you in a book haul soon!

Books I Bought:Received This Week

  1. Fire & Flood by Victoria Scott (ARC)
  2. Cry No More by Linda Howard (ebook)
  3. The Madman’s Daughter by Megan Shepherd


Awesome Posts from Other Book Bloggers:

Phew! A lot of great links this week 🙂 Give your fellow bloggers some love!

7 responses to “Weekly Wrap-Up (#17)

    • Thanks! I try to stay positive about it 🙂 But it’s been such a long time since I first became disabled (3 1/2 years ago), that it’s kind of just my life now. I’m pretty much used to all of the challenges that come with my diagnosis, unfortunately. But I’m still optimistic about the future, and working as hard as I possibly can to get better!

  1. I’m glad your surgery went well! A good attitude about it helps tremendously, I’m sure, and also being out of the house.

    I have yet to read The Lux series, but I’ve heard some pretty good things about it so I feel like I should give it a shot. I just have so many other books I’m reading right now that the idea of adding yet another book to the pile on my headboard is giving me anxiety! Lol. Great haul though. 🙂

    • Haha don’t worry I completely know what you mean. I can’t keep up with all the books! I was actually really skeptical about this series at first, though, but I was hooked after the first book. It’s a little cheesy, but they’re all such quick, easy reads that I’ve just basically inhaled. I’m planning to read the fourth one soon, and the fifth one comes out this summer!

      • I’m sort of a sucker for series that are quick reads, though! Sometimes I’m not in the mood for a heavy book that’s going to be in my hands for a solid week. Cheesy books can be fun too, just because you can’t help but shake your head at the lines. I have a huge soft spot for contemporary romances, which means I read a LOT of cheesy lines sometimes, but I also gravitate more toward contemporary romance with heavy undertones. Frilly stuff just makes me eyes roll!

    • Oh, cool, thanks! I actually already have a bunch of books that I need to read next month, and I’m not ready to start a whole new series…but thanks so much for inviting me! 🙂

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